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CAMP3 Riding Ability Levels

Here at CAMP3, we believe in creating the most inclusive camps we possibly can, that truly help all individuals progress their riding and reach their snowboarding goals.

To help us achieve this, it's really important that our members select the most suitable level of camp, catering to your specific ability level. We have five different ability levels that we focus on at CAMP3:



Novice riders are comfortable linking S-shaped turns on green runs, using both their toe edge and heel edge to control speed.

If you are working on linking your turns more smoothly and building your confidence to ride blue and black runs, this ability level is for you.

Watch a video of novice riders here.


Intermediate riders are comfortable linking smooth turns on all blue trails and can get down black groomed runs in control.

If you can ride most groomed trails on the mountain and are beginning to explore off-piste and in the park, this level of camp is for you.

This level is also useful for recently certified instructors.

Watch a video of intermediate riders here.


Advanced riders can ride any groomed run on the mountain with confidence and style, and can tackle black off-piste terrain in control. Advanced riders should also be able to ride switch and be confident on small park features (boxes and jumps).

If you are looking to build your skills in challenging off-piste terrain, begin exploring the backcountry, start spinning in the park, or work on your advanced carving technique, this is the right level for you.

This level of camp is perfect for SBINZ Level Two certified instructors.

Watch a video of advanced riders here.


Expert riders should be ripping all over the mountain, including freestyle, freeride and carve.

If you are looking to ride bigger features in the park, add grabs into spins, start hitting hefty drops or riding challenging backcountry lines, or even put down a good time in the Treble Cone Banked Slalom, then this level of camp is for you.

This is ideal for SBINZ Level Three certified instructors.

Watch a video of expert riders here.


Jedis have their riding skills so well-honed that they barely need any coaching. They send it like Han Solo and spin like Yoda, both forwards and switch!

We currently don't have any camps for this ability level, but when we do, you'll hear about it. Think Gulmarg, Baldface, Chamonix, ALASKA!

Videos? Nah, just use the force!

Novice Level Riding Video

If you are comfortable linking turns on this terrain and ride with a similar speed to the snowboarders in this video, the novice ability level camps are most suitable for you.

Intermediate Level Riding Video

If the riding in this video looks similar to your own riding, and you are confident riding in this terrain, the intermediate level of camp is the best choice for you.

Advanced Level Riding Video

If your riding looks like the guys and girls in the video below, and you are comfortable on this terrain, you are ready for an advanced level camp.

Expert Level Riding Video

If you ride to a similar level to the snowboarders in this video and are comfortable on this terrain, you should be looking for expert level camps.